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#FckVday: Why Some People Simply Don't Enjoy Valentine's Day [Op-Ed]

This is the first of the #FckVday series of content we will be dropping throughout tomorrow, February 15. Some people believe you should love all year-round, other just don't see the point. So this space will serve as a platform for anyone who thinks differently.

Fuck deciding between spending the same amount of money on either fancy and impressive cocktails at Chill Winston or Alibi Room and having to wait over an hour before you can even get a table so you sit in the crowded waiting area, both of you looking at your phones and counting every minute until the bar texts you to say your seat is ready while other people block the door from outside as they smoke in the rain.

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Illustration by Paige Bowman (Medium Digital Drawing)

Fuck making plans and praying to god you don’t get canceled on two hours before as you stress yourself out trying to plan the coolest at least lame way to spend the evening with 5 google tabs up searching for “coolest new poke bars in Yaletown” and “guestlist for MIA” while you think about whether your date will judge you if you guys Skytrain home because you’re probably not going to be able to pay for a cab based on how much money you’re going to spend that night anyways

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Illustration by Paige Bowman (Medium Digital Drawing)

Fuck trying to awkwardly be romantic with your boo in the streets while leaving whatever overpriced bar you go to in Gastown and stop to kiss them near an alleyway but in the meanwhile nearly trip over a screaming homeless person and wonder if you should give them money because you know that will impress your date but you also know that you’re most likely just enabling them to further whatever addiction they’re struggling with and “oh god, this city really does have a homeless problem doesn’t it also holy shit these alley ways stink”

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Illustration by Paige Bowman (Medium Digital Drawing)

Fuck trying to find a restaurant for the night that suits both your dietary lifestyles while also trying to keep yourself open minded and respectful but you honestly really didn’t enjoy that vegan restaurant they took you to last time because the portions of food were super small for the cost also you really aren’t in the mood for a cocktail mixed with kombucha again because it gave you indigestion more than anything last time and honestly is beer even vegan? You’re afraid to ask because the answer might be obvious and that will just make you look like an idiot and why can’t you guys just go to Veras they have veggie burgers don’t they?

Illustration by Paige Bowman (Medium Digital Drawing)

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