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Hood Joplin's "My Chain B" Gets the Visual Treatment [VIDEO]

It was just a few weeks ago when we introduced you to Hood Joplin, and now she's back with a music video for her latest hit "My Chanin B". We have cameos from Vancouver favorites such as , SO LOKI, Gyst and OWAKE Records family. The video was directed by Steve Kim and VFX by Chrome Destroyer, who are also responsible for SO LOKI's "Liquid Luck" VEVO release.

There were too many meme-worthy moments in this video, so here are some of our favorites.

"O hi der, welcome to Richmond GoKarts"

"certified banger$" - Shout out SO LOKI

"Fidget spinners, meet your nemesis" - Shout out Gyst

#FamilyGoals ammirite?

Hood Joplin is a producer / DJ who has played shows throughout the country including New Forms Festival, Seasons Festival (for SO LOKI's pop up show), and Sled Island Festival -where she will be opening for the legendary Flying Lotus. Her first full audio project came out last May via Drama Hands, which you can peer on Soundcloud here.

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